Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Warnings of the Last Days From God | Christian Short Film "The Days of Noah Have Come"

Warnings of the Last Days From God | Christian Short Film "The Days of Noah Have Come" 
Let's look back on mankind during the age of Noah. Man was engaged in all kinds of evil activities paying no thought to repentance. Nobody listened to the word of God. Their rigidity and evil aroused God's anger and in the end, they were swallowed up by the disaster of the great flood. Only Noah and his family of eight listened to God's word and were able to survive. Now, the last days have already arrived. Mankind's corruption is getting deeper and deeper. Everyone reveres evil. The entire religious world follows the tide of the world. They do not love the truth one bit. The days of Noah have already arrived! In order to save mankind, God has returned once more to do the judgment work of the last days amongst mankind. This is the last time that God saves man! What should mankind choose?

Eastern Lightning | Once So Foolish, I Have Finally Woken Up Today

Gospel, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
Read God's Word

Once So Foolish, I Have Finally Woken Up Today

Chen Xing

Nanyang City, Henan Province

I was formerly a preacher of the “Praise Church.”Since May 1999, I had often heard the elders say, “The ‘Eastern Lightning’ is a cult. Those people are together committing adultery. If you don’t obey them, they will cut off your ears, gouge out your eyes, or even cut your flesh into pieces. They will also trick you into going somewhere outside the town and shut you into a basement… These people are very crafty. They specially go to deceive people in various churches. If any stranger comes to our church, we must inspect him and verify his identity. If there is any flaw in it, he must be from the ‘Eastern Lightning.’ Then drive him away immediately…” So, I kept the elders’ “good words” in mind and went around telling the brothers and sisters not to accept the “Eastern Lightning,” and I also told them that it was the deception of Satan. When I myself met the preachers of the “Eastern Lightning,” I refused them all relentlessly, and I even told the brothers and sisters in what harsh ways I treated those preachers and how I drove them away so that they could learn from me. I, being so foolish, did many things resisting Almighty God. In the end, it was under Almighty God’s enlightenment and illumination that I woke up.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Eastern Lightning | The Hymn of God's Word | The Significance of God's Name

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The Hymn of God's Word  | The Significance of God's Name

   In each and every age, in each stage of His work, God's name has carried weight. God's name hasn't rung empty. His every name reflects an age.

Jehovah, Jesus, and the Messiah all represent the Spirit of God. Yet these names just represent the ages in God's management, but not His entirety. The names people on earth call God can't express His entire disposition, can't express all that He is. They are just God's names in different ages. And so, when the final age— the age of the last days—arrives, God's name will change once more. He won't be called Jehovah nor Jesus, much less the Messiah. He will be called the powerful and almighty God. And with this name He will end the age. 

God was once known as Jehovah. He was also called the Messiah. And out of love and respect, people used to call Him Jesus the Savior. Today God is not Jehovah nor Jesus, whom people knew in the past. He is the God who's returned in the last days, the God who will end this age. Replete with His entire disposition, full of authority, honor and glory, He is the God, the God Himself, He is the God Himself who rises up at the ends of the earth. He is the God who rises at the ends of the earth. 

People have never been in touch with God. They have never really known Him, or understood His disposition. From the creation of the world till now, no one has ever seen God. This is the God who appears in the last days to man. This is the God who's also hidden, who is also hidden among man. He resides among man, living and real. He is like the blazing sun, and the searing flame. He is brimming with might and authority. He is brimming with might and authority. Not a single person or thing will escape the judgment of His word. Not a single person or thing will evade being cleansed in the flames. 

At last, all nations of the world will be blessed by God's words, and will be crushed by them as well. So people of the last days will see that God the Savior has returned. He is the powerful Almighty God that conquers all of mankind. He'll make people see He once was man's sin offering. But in the last days, He is the fire of the sun, which burns all things. And He is the Sun of righteousness that reveals all things. This is the work of God in the last days. This is God's work. 

The reason God took on this name, on this name and disposition is to make man see that He is a righteous God, that He is a righteous God. He is the sun, the blazing sun. He is the flame, the searing flame. So all of mankind will worship Him, the one true God. And they, they will see His true face: He is not only the Redeemer, He is not only the God of the Israelites, but He is the God of all creations on earth and in the heavens or seas. 

from "The Savior Has Already Returned Upon a 'White Cloud'" 
in The Word Appears in the Flesh

Eastern Lightning | God Will Enlighten Anyone Who Has One Ten Thousandth of Desire to Seek

Read Almighty God's Word, Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God,
Read Almighty God's Word

God Will Enlighten Anyone Who Has One Ten Thousandth of Desire to Seek

Wu Ming

Tieling City, Liaoning Province

I was once a co-worker in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and I accepted the Lord Jesus in 1990.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Eastern Lightning | The Confession of a Person Who Frenziedly Resisted Almighty God

The Confession of a Person Who Frenziedly Resisted Almighty God

Zhao Tingting

Xuchang City, Henan Province

A baseless rumor spread that “the people of the ‘Eastern Lightning’ cut off others’ ears or gouge out their eyes.” After hearing it, I, who was foolish and ignorant and without any discernment, began to act as a daring vanguard of resisting God with the Bible in my hand. However, in the years of competing with the “Eastern Lightning,” I not only didn’t hinder the surging waves of Almighty God’s work from advancing, but I exposed my ugly face in God’s light thoroughly and suffered punishment from God. Recalling the past events, I’m really extremely ashamed.
I was a person who adored influence very much. When I believed in Jesus with my parents in my childhood, I adored those superior preachers very much. In 1988, on the strength of the regard of Zhang Meng’en, a senior pastor in our denomination, I became a co-worker in our county. From then on, I had opportunities to enjoy great popularity. With my little “gift,” I swanked and showed off myself wherever I went.

Eastern Lightning | God redeemed mankind in the Age of Grace, so why does He still need to do His work of judgment in the last days?

Bible Verses for Reference:
You shall therefore be holy, for I am holy”(Lev 11:45).
“Holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord” (Heb 12:14).
And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. He that rejects me, and receives not my words, has one that judges him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day” (Jhn 12:47-48).

Relevant Words of God:
At the time Jesus’ work was the redemption of all mankind. The sins of all who believed in Him were forgiven; as long as you believed in Him, He would redeem you; if you believed in Him, you were no longer a sinner, you were relieved of your sins. This is what it meant to be saved, and to be justified by faith. Yet in those who believed, there remained that which was rebellious and opposed God, and which still had to be slowly removed. Salvation did not mean man had been completely gained by Jesus, but that man was no longer of sin, that he had been forgiven his sins: Provided you believed, you would never more be of sin.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Eastern Lightning | Hymns of Truth | God Is in Heaven and Also on Earth

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Hymns of Truth  |  God Is in Heaven and Also on Earth

God is practical in men's heart, when He is on earth. In heaven, God is the Ruler of all creatures. Once God traveled over mountains and waters, softly He has ever strolled among the human race. Who dare resist in public the practical God Himself? Who dare get out of the Almighty's rule? Who dare say God is in heaven beyond doubt? And who dare say God is sure on earth? No man can say for sure where God really is. No man can say for sure where God is. 


When in heaven, is God just a supernatural One? When on earth, is God just a practical One? God's rule over all things, or His tasting of man's sufferings, can this decide if God is a practical God? God is in heaven, but also on earth. Among all things is God, and among all men. Men can be in touch with God every day, and men can also see God every day. 

from "The Fifteenth Utterance" of God's Utterances to the Entire Universe 
in The Word Appears in the Flesh


   EasternLightning, The Church of Almighty God was created because of the appearance and work of Almighty God, the second coming of the Lord Jesus, Christ of the last days. It is made up of all those who accept Almighty God's work in the last days and are conquered and saved by His words. It was entirely founded by Almighty God personally and is led by Him as the Shepherd. It was definitely not created by a person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God's sheep hear God's voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared.

Praise and Worship Music | All of Mankind, Come to Worship God

Praise and Worship Music |  All of Mankind, Come to Worship God I Lightning flashes from East to West. Christ of the last da...