Showing posts with label Gospel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gospel. Show all posts

Friday, December 28, 2018

Eastern Lightning | God’s Love Guided Me Through the Trial of Illness

God’s Love Guided Me Through the Trial of Illness

By Yiming, Hubei Province

I Rejoice to Be Reunited With the Lord

I’m 78 this year and I have always suffered from headaches and diabetes. After I began to believe in the Lord in 2005, the illnesses that had beset me for years were eased; I perceived God’s love and thanked the Lord from the bottom of my heart. Two years later, a relative preached God’s work of the last days to me and he said that the Lord Jesus had returned as the incarnated Almighty God. He said that Almighty God was now performing a newer, higher stage of work on the foundation of the Lord Jesus’ work of redemption, and that Almighty God was using the truth to judge and chastise man, to cleanse our corruption, and God would lead those who ultimately attained salvation into His kingdom. I was thrilled to hear this news, and I thought to myself, “I never imagined that I would actually be able to welcome the Lord in my lifetime. If in the future I could be led by God into His kingdom, that would be wonderful indeed!” Thinking this, my heart became filled with a joy I couldn’t express, and I thanked God’s love and salvation. After a period of seeking and investigating, I became certain from reading God’s words that Almighty God was indeed the Lord Jesus returned, and very soon after I was living the church life and doing all I could to perform my duty within the church.

Monday, December 24, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | Coming Home (Part 2)

Coming Home (Part 2)

By Muyi, South Korea

In this period, there was another brother named Yang who also investigated Almighty God’s work in the last days together with me. I had always had a careless and absent-minded attitude, but Brother Yang was earnest in his studies. Brother Yang said that he had rejected the gospel of Almighty God when people had preached it to him before but that hearing it again today must be an opportunity granted by God!

Sunday, December 16, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | A Rebirth

A Rebirth

By Yang Zheng, Heilongjiang Province

I was born into an impoverished rural family that was backward in their thinking. I was vain from a young age and my desire for status was particularly strong. Over time, through the influence of social environment and the education of traditional culture, I took all sorts of Satan’s rules for survival into my heart. All kinds of fallacies nurtured my desire for fame, gain and status, such as “Fame will make you immortal,” “Get ahead and bring honor to your ancestors,” “People need face like a tree needs its bark,” “Be the top dog,” and “Build a beautiful home with your own two hands.”

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Tasting the Love of God in the Midst of Adversity

Tasting the Love of God in the Midst of Adversity

By Chen Lu, Zhejiang Province

I was born in the 1980s in a village—we had been a family of peasants for generations. I threw myself into my studies so that I could test into college and escape the village life of poverty and backwardness. When I started high school, I encountered The History of Western Art, and when I saw so many beautiful paintings such as “Genesis,” “The Garden of Eden,” and “The Last Supper,” only then did I realize that there was a God in the universe who had created all things. I could not help but have a heart full of veneration for God.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | Sufferings and Trials—the Blessings of Being Favored

Sufferings and Trials—the Blessings of Being Favored

By Wang Gang, Shandong Province

I lived in the countryside. Because my family was poor, I earned money by doing temporary jobs wherever I could find them; I thought that I could make a better life for myself through my physical labor. However, in modern Chinese society, I saw that there were no guarantees for the legal rights of migrant workers like me; my salary was frequently withheld for no reason at all. Time and time again I was cheated and taken advantage of by others. After a year’s worth of hard work, I didn’t receive what I was supposed to receive. I felt that this world is truly dark! Humans treat each other just like animals, where the strong prey on the weak; they contest with each other, fight hand-to-hand, and people simply can’t survive. In the extreme pain and depression of my spirit, and when I had lost faith in life, a friend of mine shared the gospel of the last days of Almighty God with me. Afterward, I regularly gathered, prayed, communicated the truth and sang hymns to praise God together with my brothers and sisters. I felt very happy and liberated. In The Church of Almighty God, I saw that the brothers and sisters didn’t try to outwit each other or make social distinctions; they were all purely open and got along with each other.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

The Secret to Saving a Marriage (Part 1) —Almighty God Saved My Marriage

The Secret to Saving a Marriage (Part 1) —Almighty God Saved My Marriage

Li Quan

When I was young, my mom and dad often argued, and my mom frequently suffered beatings and abuse at the hands of my dad. She carried so much rancor in her heart that she died quite young. Thereafter I promised myself: When I grow up and start a family, I will be good to my wife and create a happy and peaceful family. I would not repeat the failures of my mother and father’s marriage.

In 1995, I was the department director for installation engineering at a restaurant. At first, all I could think about was being an entrepreneur and making money and that I just needed to find a wife who was wise and kind so we could live happily together and that would be enough.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | Returning to Life From the Brink of Death

Returning to Life From the Brink of Death

By Yang Mei, China

In 2007 I suddenly fell ill with chronic renal failure. On being told the news, my Christian mother and sister-in-law, and some Catholic friends all came to visit me to preach the gospel to me. They all told me that I only had to go to God and my illness would be cured. But I didn’t believe in God at all. I thought that illness could only be cured through scientific medical treatment, and that any disease that couldn’t be cured by science was incurable. After all, was there any power on earth greater than the power of science? Faith in God was just a form of psychological crutch, and I was an upstanding state school teacher, a person who was educated and cultured, so there was no way I’d start believing in God.

Monday, November 12, 2018

The Church Almighty God | The Word of God Guides Me Through the Snares

The Word of God Guides Me Through the Snares

By Tian’na, Hong Kong

Church Life, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
Church Life
As I go through the passage of God’s words, “Do You Know? God Has Done a Great Thing Among Men,” I cannot help but recall my experience two years ago of breaking free from the binds of rumors and returning before God.

My family and I all live in Hong Kong. My father-in-law and brother-in-law (my husband’s younger brother) all believe in the Lord Jesus. My brother-in-law is a pastor in a church, so brothers and sisters from the church often come to our home to visit. They pray together and sing hymns of praise to the Lord.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Almighty God Saved Me

Almighty God Saved Me

Wang Shiliang

Xinyang City, Henan Province

Almighty God's Words, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
Almighty God's Words
I, formerly a co-worker of the Local Church, returned to Almighty God in December 2001. The following are fragments of my memory of how I resisted Almighty God’s work of the last days and how I accepted it.

The first person who preached Almighty God’s gospel of the last days to me was one of my in-laws. I not only didn’t accept it but also called him blind.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Yesterday I Was at Enmity with God, Arrogant and Domineering; Today I Bow My Head Before God, Too Ashamed to Show My Face

Yesterday I Was at Enmity with God, Arrogant and Domineering; Today I Bow My Head Before God, Too Ashamed to Show My Face

Wang Limin

Tieli City, Heilongjiang Province

Read God's Words, Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God,
Read God's Words

In 1995, I turned to the Lord Jesus because of my illness. After believing in the Lord, I was soon healed by the Lord. Because of that, I pursued very hard and often preferred to go to the nearby villages to preach the gospel rather than go to work to earn money. Only one year later, I became a preacher of the Church of Truth.

In 1998, our church became increasingly desolate. Envy, strife, and factions were quite common, and every meeting became a formality. Seeing that situation, I tried to use my own ability to resolve those conflicts, but the result was contrary to my wishes. I was also drawn into the “whirlpool” of envy and strife.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Almighty God Saved Me, a Blind and Ignorant Person

Almighty God Saved Me, a Blind and Ignorant Person

Li Jinzhi

Fuxin City, Liaoning Province

Read God's Words, Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God,
Read God's Words
In May 1990, I accepted Jesus in the Three-Self sect because of illness. In 1993, I turned to the Church of Truth and later became a junior leader there.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Before the Truth, I Finally Confessed Myself to Be an Evil Servant

Before the Truth, I Finally Confessed Myself to Be an Evil Servant

Zhang Wenbiao

Fushun City, Liaoning Province

Read God's Word, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
Read God's Word

My name is Zhang Wenbiao. In the fall of 1994, I believed in Jesus in the Slain Church. Soon I was appointed as a leader in charge of shepherding and sustaining one hundred and fifty believers of ten churches.

One day in the winter of 1995, the senior leader called us leaders in different areas together. At the meeting, he said, “Now there arose a sect called the ‘Eastern Lightning.’ They say that God came into the flesh again.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Eastern Lightning | The Arrogant Me Was Conquered by God’s Word At Last

The Arrogant Me Was Conquered by God’s Word At Last

Guan Chao

Qitaihe City, Heilongjiang Province

Gospel, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
I was formerly a co-worker in the “Justification by Faith Church.” In February 1992, I turned to the Lord. Later, I made a resolution before the Lord that I would devote all my life to Him. Since then, I pursued hard. I never missed any church meetings or Bible study meetings. In 1994, I became a preacher in the church, and in 1996, I began to preach in the co-workers’ meetings. So, I thought that I was most faithful to the Lord and was approved by the Lord. But I had never expected that when the Lord did His new work, I became a Pharisee of the present age, who crucified the returned Lord.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

How I Accepted Almighty God’s New Work

How I Accepted Almighty God’s New Work

Wang Xiufang

Fushun City, Liaoning Province
Read God's Word, Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God,
Read God's Word
In 1991, I believed in the Lord Jesus in the Seven-day Adventist Church. The church was greatly revived in the first couple of years. The number of the believers gradually increased, and at peak time, it reached several thousand. As a co-worker of the church, I busied myself working for the Lord every day, waiting for the Lord’s advent.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

It Could Not Repay My Indebtedness to God Even If I Were Torn Limb From Limb

It Could Not Repay My Indebtedness to God Even If I Were Torn Limb From Limb

Yao Qingping

Shenyang City, Liaoning Province
Pray to God
Pray to God
My name is Yao Qingping. I believed in Jesus in 1992. Later I became a leader in China Gospel Fellowship, shepherding more than six hundred people. In 1998, I heard some rumors about “Eastern Lightning” from my upper co-worker, which said, “They are of an underworld organization and they have no clear boundaries between the two sexes. They will receive 150,000 yuan if they convert a leader and 20,000 yuan an ordinary believer. If one withdraws after accepting their way, they will break his legs, disfigure his face, or cut off his ears. …” Hearing these rumors that could not stand up, I believed them without making any discernment and couldn’t help feeling hatred toward the believers in “Eastern Lightning.” After I went back to the church, I wantonly spread the rumors I had heard and said angrily, “They say that God has come, and they have even changed the name of Jesus, saying that the name is Almighty God. These are pure lies. Never believe them. If anyone comes to your home to preach, don’t let him in. If he gives you books, never read them. Hand them over to the church to be burned together.” From then on, I began to rush about “guarding the flock” and regarded the preachers of Almighty God as enemies. As a result, I committed many conscienceless and hair-raising crimes.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

I Regret All My Life that I Resisted Almighty God

I Regret All My Life that I Resisted Almighty God

Cao Zhengqing

Shangqiu City, Henan Province
Read God's Word, Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God,
Read God's Word

I was formerly a shepherding worker of the “Hua Xuehe sect.” At the end of 1997, the leader said in a meeting, “Now there is a ‘Reaper Church.’ They believe in a ‘queen,’ who is called Almighty God. It’s a mafia, which has guns and cannons and pays its members. If you don’t accept their way after listening to their message, they will kill your whole family! …” Hearing this, I said at once, “The Bible doesn’t say God is female. It must be a false Christ, a deceiver!” After the meeting, I called the church workers together and conveyed every word of the leader to them.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | Yesterday’s Resistance, Today’s Remorse

Yesterday’s Resistance, Today’s Remorse

Wei Shuyao

Xinyi City, Jiangsu Province

Pray to God, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
Pray to God

I was formerly a leader’s assistant in the Justification by Faith Church. I had believed in Jesus for over twenty years and been trained in a theological seminary, so I was very much looked up to by the brothers and sisters in our churches. We were in charge of over thirty churches and had contact with the churches in Beijing, Guangdong, Shandong, Hubei, and other places. The churches had been very prosperous a few years before, but somehow they turned more and more desolate in recent years.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Eastern Lightning | The Arrogant and Ignorant I Have Finally Become Subject Before the True God

The Arrogant and Ignorant I Have Finally Become Subject Before the True God

Zhang Xuejun

Nehe City, Heilongjiang Province

Pray to God, Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God,
Pray to God

I was formerly a co-worker of the Cross Church. I received a lot of grace after I turned to the Lord. Because of that, I pursued very zealously and made a resolution before the Lord that I would serve Him all my life. Two years later, I began to preach and often went to other counties to support the churches. At that time, I felt that believing in the Lord was so great and so meaningful.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Eastern Lightning | Almighty God Saved Me Through His Punishment

Almighty God Saved Me Through His Punishment

Li Meirong

Zhumadian City, Henan Province

Read God's Words, Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God,
Read God's Words
My name is Li Meirong, and I was a preacher in “the Sunday Meeting.” Because I was a long-time believer with seniority, I was given the name “Li Daogao” (which means my teaching was high) by the brothers and sisters. This is their opinion of me: Though without a high education, she can memorize the whole Scriptures; though without much power, she can “summon wind and rain” in the church. I was always proud of it.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | Almighty God’s Chastening Woke Up the Disobedient Me

Almighty God’s Chastening Woke Up the Disobedient Me

Zhao Kaiyang

Zhumadian City, Henan Province

Pray to God, Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God,
Pray to God
I started to believe in the Lord in the “Three-Self sect” in 1986. In 1990, I turned to the local church, the “Praise Church,” and became a leader. In June of 1999, I accepted Almighty God’s work of the last days. When I think back to my past, I am terribly ashamed of myself. Because I was blind, ignorant, and didn’t know God, I committed a mortal sin of blaspheming the Holy Spirit. But fortunately, Almighty God chastened and disciplined me in a timely manner, so that I woke up and returned before His throne.

Praise and Worship Music | All of Mankind, Come to Worship God

Praise and Worship Music |  All of Mankind, Come to Worship God I Lightning flashes from East to West. Christ of the last da...