Monday, February 5, 2018

Eastern Lightning | In the Middle of a Disaster I Saw God’s Protection

Zhang Min, Beijing                                                                         August 6, 2012

On July 21, 2012, it started to rain heavily in the morning. By the afternoon when I was supposed to go to a meeting, I saw the rain was so heavy that I didn’t want to go. But it was just once a week, if I didn’t go I’d have no way to do my church work. Whatever there was going on outside, I still had to fellowship with them. When I thought of that, I hurried myself to the meeting. After four o’clock that afternoon, the brother of the meeting place ran back home, saying: “You’re still holding meeting, get yourselves home, there’s a whole lot of water coming down out there.” 

Eastern Lightning | Power and Position Lured Me to Keep Away from the True Way

Power and Position Lured Me to Keep Away from the True Way

Li Zhixin

Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province

I believed in the Lord in the Great Light Church in 1998. After turning to the Lord, I saw many miracles and received much grace, and all my illnesses were cured by the Lord. So, I pursued hard and was later appointed deacon responsible for a church of 500 believers.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Eastern Lightning | God Protected Our Family Through a Disaster

Wang Lan, Beijing
August 6, 2012

On July 21, 2012, the biggest flood in sixty years ripped through our village. The disaster fell from heaven, the floodwater mixed mud and stones and ravaged the whole village. Most of the houses were destroyed by the water and the mudslides.
After five o’clock that afternoon, the rain was coming down very heavily. There were floodwaters and big stones coming down from above our house, and the floodwaters were huge in front and behind our house. They washed away my daughter’s chicken run with thousands of chickens, they washed away the pig pens, and the pigs too. The water was about to rush over our home. We had a 94 year old and a ten-month-old baby. We were frantic. As I was carrying the 94 year old and the baby up into the higher building, water was starting to come into the lower one. The rain kept coming down. The water rose up toward the higher building as we watched. I was beside myself. I quickly called the village cadre, he said I should run up the mountain, and that they were also having a hard enough time getting themselves out, it was every man for himself. In my panic, I thought of God’s words, “The disaster is brought down by Me and of course orchestrated by Me” (“You Ought to Do Enough Good Deeds to Prepare for Your Destination” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). Believing in God means relying on God, you can’t rely on people, so I stood in the doorway crying and called out a loud plea to God: “Oh God, save us! Oh God, save us!” The whole family got down on our knees and prayed: “Oh God, if we die in this disaster it is by Your righteousness, because we are too rebellious. If we escape this disaster it is by Your grace. We will begin again, and will be considerate of Your will, do our duties and spread the gospel.” It got dark and we didn’t dare go out. The whole family sat together sharing with each other God’s grasp of the fate of all humanity, how if God has a person die, there’s nowhere a person can go to hide, they will not pass out of God’s hands, and we were not afraid of death.
The rain came down hard, then soft, and kept coming down the whole night.
When dawn came we got up and saw that there was a great pile of rocks and sand above our house, and the water had gone around the building we spent the night in; it was amazing. I looked at the mud and debris both front and back of our home. With the big waters and the big rocks above us, the building we’d sheltered in was the most dangerous one, but not a drop of water or mud had gotten in, and the one we didn’t stay in was completely underwater, with a lot of things washed away. We really saw the love and salvation of God. If it wasn’t for God watching over us and protecting us none of us would have survived. The whole family thanked God from the bottom of our hearts. It was God that gave us this chance at life, we should cherish it, and do our best from now on to do our duties and satisfy God!

EasternLightning, The Church of Almighty God was created because of the appearance and work of Almighty God, the second coming of the Lord Jesus, Christ of the last days. It is made up of all those who accept Almighty God's work in the last days and are conquered and saved by His words. It was entirely founded by Almighty God personally and is led by Him as the Shepherd. It was definitely not created by a person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God's sheep hear God's voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Eastern Lightning | Amidst Disasters I Saw God’s Righteous Disposition

Li Jing, Beijing
August 7, 2012
On that day, it started raining in the morning. I went to a meeting at a brother’s house, while the rain kept getting heavier and heavier. By afternoon it was pouring down as though straight from the heavens. By the time we finished our meeting, the rain had entered my brother’s courtyard, but because I was worried about my family, I struggled on home. Halfway there, some people fleeing the danger said to me, “Are you not running away, are you still going home?” When I got home, my child asked, “Did the flood not wash you away?” Only then did I know that I didn’t have God in my heart. Not long after, the husband of my neighboring sister climbed up onto the roof, and saw that houses not far from our own had been washed away.

Almighty God Saved My Family

Pray to Almighty God, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
Pray to Almighty God

Almighty God Saved My Family

Zheng Xia

Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province

I, once a deacon and preacher in the True Jesus Church, did many things to resist Almighty God because of my foolishness and callousness. However, my evil doings didn’t hinder the step of God’s work, but instead brought upon me an unexpected punishment. Finally, after some setbacks, my family returned to God’s throne due to His call of love…

Friday, February 2, 2018

Eastern Lightning | The Fire That Shocked the Nation in Ji County, Tianjin City

Chen Yao, Tianjin

The Laide building was one of Ji County’s biggest shopping centers. June 30, 2012 was a Saturday, and Laide was holding a promotion, so there were huge numbers of customers. Some time after 3:00 that afternoon, the building suddenly caught fire. The boss, afraid that in the chaos customers would take things or not pay, closed and shuttered the main entrance on level one, and drove customers to the second and third floors. What hadn’t been anticipated was that the fire grew fiercer and fiercer, eventually becoming completely uncontrollable. The electricity across the whole building went out. From the first floor to the fourth, the lifts were out of order, and the closed entrance on the first floor couldn’t be opened. Black smoke rolled through the whole building, sparks flew up into the air. Huge flames leapt from every window, the smoke covered the county, the air was choking for people several hundred meters away. At the time many of the people trapped above the third floor chose to flee by jumping from the building, and some died where they fell, a horrible sight.

Without Almighty God, I Would Not Be Alive Today

Pray to Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God,
Pray to Almighty God

Without Almighty God, I Would Not Be Alive Today

Zhang Xuelou

Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

I was formerly a church leader in the Pentecostal Church and also a person who disobeyed and resisted Almighty God. As I had no discernment and firmly believed the rumors and the elder’s adverse words, and considered the “Eastern Lightning” a “heresy,” a “cult,” I resisted and blasphemed it desperately. It was not until I received God’s punishment and was confined to bed with serious illness that I was awakened.

Praise and Worship Music | All of Mankind, Come to Worship God

Praise and Worship Music |  All of Mankind, Come to Worship God I Lightning flashes from East to West. Christ of the last da...