Sunday, April 22, 2018

God’s Judgment Work in the Last Days Has Important Significance for Man’s Salvation and Perfection Through Faith in God

God’s Judgment Work in the Last Days Has Important Significance for Man’s Salvation and Perfection Through Faith in God

People who have experienced God’s work of judgment and chastisement already see it clearly: Those who are fortunate enough to experience God’s judgment and chastisement in the last days are really the most blessed people of all. All those people who have truly experienced God’s judgment and chastisement have achieved the following ten results:

1. God’s judgment allows people to be sincerely convinced, to know that only by God’s judgment and chastisement in the last days can they truly be saved and perfected.

2. God’s judgment allows people to know that the true state and the essential nature of corrupt mankind is truly Satan’s descendants in resistance against God.

3. God’s judgment allows people to see completely clearly the true face of the great red dragon, the satanic demon, and to hate and forsake the great red dragon and truly turn toward God.

4. God’s judgment allows people to see with absolute clarity the root of darkness and evil in the world; mankind’s corruption is so deep that they have become demons, and have little humanity.

5. God’s judgment makes people understand many truths, and allows people to have great faith, to throw down everything and expend for God with all of their heart, and to do their utmost in their duties.

6. God’s judgment makes people thirst for pursuing and obtaining the truth, and resolve to pursue the truth, know God and live out a true life.

7. God’s judgment allows people to see clearly that God loves honest people, and it is only those people who throw off crookedness and deceitfulness and pursue to be honest that have the true likeness of man.

8. Judgment allows people to know that it is only loving God that is most meaningful; only by loving God can one fulfill one’s duty and be loyal to God, and fit with Christ.

9. God’s judgment makes people know that obtaining the truth is the most precious; only when one obtains the truth does one have life, and only when one obtains truth does one attain God’s approval.

10. Judgment makes all people know God’s righteous disposition and God’s wisdom and almightiness; they can wholeheartedly expend for God, and be at the mercy of God.

Clearly, what God’s judgment and chastisement brings to people is salvation and perfection. It is God’s truer love, and more complete love. God’s judgment and chastisement in the last days truly has so much significance for the salvation and perfection of mankind. It is only the work of judgment and chastisement that can truly make people turn toward God and obey God’s work, and truly hate and forsake the great red dragon and live out the true likeness of man. Only a person who has experienced God’s judgment and chastisement in the last days can truly know God, can truly love God, can become compatible with God, can forever obey and worship God, and never again resist or betray God. Only this is the meaning of attaining salvation. Without God’s judgment and chastisement in the last days, mankind could never truly know the true state and substance of mankind’s corruption by Satan. Mankind could never truly know the root of darkness and evil in the world, and mankind could never hate or rebel against the great red dragon; mankind could never break free of Satan’s dark influence. Without God’s judgment and chastisement in the last days, mankind would be forever unknowing of God’s righteous disposition. Without God’s judgment and chastisement in the last days, mankind would be forever unable to obtain the truth and become new people, to enter the kingdom of God. It is only God’s judgment and chastisement that can save mankind, and lead mankind to enter their true destination. Because mankind’s corruption is so deep, even if one believes in Jesus, and is forgiven for their sins and enjoys much grace of God, due to their nature of resisting God they will still resist God and betray God. Thus, they can never truly break free of Satan’s influence and attain salvation. We can all clearly see, within religion although those people who believe in Jesus may eagerly bear testimony that Jesus is the Savior, they do not know God’s righteous disposition. They may still, in the last days when Christ comes again, resist God’s last days work, judge and convict the true way, deny God’s return, and even crucify Christ again. Thus, if one only experiences God’s redemption during the Age of Grace yet does not experience judgment and chastisement during the time of Jesus coming again, this kind of person is not someone who abides by the will of the heavenly Father, and is not eligible to enter the heavenly kingdom. Because people still have not resolved their nature of resisting God and are still lacking too many truths, they are still far from knowing and obeying God. Especially during the time of God coming and doing the last days work, they are still judging and convicting His last days work, playing the role of Satan resisting God, and becoming an enemy of Christ. Clearly, those who do not accept the work of Jesus coming again and have not gained the truth as their life are not truly saved. Thus, corrupt mankind needs the salvation of God incarnate; that is, they must experience God’s judgment and chastisement during the last days to attain true knowledge of and obedience to God. Only this kind of person is one who abides by the will of the heavenly Father, and can attain God’s praise and enter the heavenly kingdom; this is without doubt.


Knowing God’s judgment and chastisement in the last days is truly of great significance for people to believe in God to attain salvation and be made perfect. What on earth judgment and chastisement is, God’s words have already explained very clearly. God expresses the truth and enacts judgment and chastisement. According to the substance of mankind’s corruption He uses the truth to expose, to judge and to convict people, and make people understand the truth, know themselves and produce true repentance. This is the result of judgment and chastisement. God created all things and dominates everything; this is God’s authority. Since God permits Satan to corrupt mankind, He has the power to judge and chastise corrupt mankind. God even more so has the ability to save and bring back mankind from under the domain of Satan. This is precisely where God’s wisdom and almightiness to defeat Satan lies. Only in this way can mankind be saved, and Satan’s destiny be brought to an end, making mankind forever turn toward God, become a mankind that obeys and worships God, and obtain a true destination. This fulfills the words of Almighty God: “Those who are able to stand firm during God’s work of judgment and chastisement during the last days—that is, during the final work of cleansing—will be those who will enter into the final rest with God; therefore, those who enter into rest will all have broken free of Satan’s influence and been obtained by God only after having undergone His final cleansing work. These people who have been ultimately obtained by God will enter into the final rest. The essence of God’s work of chastisement and judgment is to cleanse humanity, and it is for the day of final rest. Otherwise, the whole of humanity will not be able to follow their own kind or enter into rest. This work is humanity’s only path to enter into rest” (“God and Man Will Enter Into Rest Together” in The Word Appears in the Flesh).

from “How to Know God’s Work of Judgment and Chastisement in the Last Days” in Collection of Sermons—Supply for Life

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