Thursday, April 12, 2018

Eastern Lightning | What is the consequence of someone who believes in God in religion and suffers the confusion and control of the Pharisees and antichrists? Can one be saved by God if they believe in God this way?

What is the consequence of someone who believes in God in religion and suffers the confusion and control of the Pharisees and antichrists? Can one be saved by God if they believe in God this way?

Bible Verses for Reference:

They be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch” (Mat 15:14).

For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed” (Isa 9:16).

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…. As they were increased, so they sinned against me: therefore will I change their glory into shame. They eat up the sin of my people, and they set their heart on their iniquity. And there shall be, like people, like priest: and I will punish them for their ways, and reward them their doings” (Hos 4:6-9).

Relevant Words of God:

Pastors and leaders in the religious world, for example, rely on their gifts and positions to do their work. People who follow them for a long time will be infected by their gifts and be influenced by some of what they are. They focus on people’s gifts, abilities and knowledge, and they pay attention to some supernatural things and many profound unrealistic doctrines (of course, these profound doctrines are unattainable). They do not focus on changes to people’s disposition, but rather they focus on training people’s preaching and working abilities, improving people’s knowledge and rich religious doctrines. They do not focus on how much people’s disposition is changed or how much people understand the truth. They do not concern themselves with the substance of people, much less try to know people’s normal and abnormal states. They do not counter people’s notions or reveal their notions, much less mend their deficiencies or corruptions. Most of the people who follow them serve by their natural gifts, and what they express is knowledge and vague religious truth, which are out of touch with reality and are completely unable to confer people with life.

from “God’s Work and Man’s Work” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

Those who have not undergone judgment express nothing but human flesh and thoughts, mingled with a lot of human intelligence and innate talents. It is not man’s accurate expression of God’s work. The people who follow them are brought before them by their innate caliber. Because they express too many seeings and experiences of man, which are almost disconnected from God’s original meaning, and deviate too far from it, the work of this type of person is unable to bring people before God, but before him. … what he demands of people does not vary from individual to individual; he does not work according to the actual needs of the people. In this type of work, there are too many rules and too many doctrines, and it cannot bring people into reality or into normal practice of growth in life. It can only enable people to stand by a few worthless rules. This kind of guidance can only lead people astray. He leads you to become what he is like; he can bring you into what he has and is.

from “God’s Work and Man’s Work” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

Those who do not understand the truth always follow others: If people say that this is the work of the Holy Spirit, then you, too, say it is the work of the Holy Spirit; if people say it is the work of an evil spirit, then you, too, become doubtful, or also say it is the work of an evil spirit. You always parrot the words of others, and are incapable of distinguishing anything by yourself, nor are you able to think for yourself. This is someone without a position, who is unable to differentiate—such a person is a worthless wretch! Such people always repeat the words of others: Today it is said that this is the work of the Holy Spirit, but chances are one day someone will say it isn’t the work of the Holy Spirit, and nothing but the deeds of man—yet you can’t see through this, and when you witness it said by others, you say the same thing. It is actually the work of the Holy Spirit, but you say it is the work of man; have you not become one of those who blaspheme against the work of the Holy Spirit? In this, have you not opposed God because you cannot differentiate?

from “Only Those Who Know God and His Work Can Satisfy God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

There exist in the church many people who have no discernment, and when something deceptive happens they just stand by Satan’s side. When they are called Satan’s lackeys they feel so wronged. And someone might say they have no discernment, but they always stand on the side without truth. There has not been a single critical time when they have stood on the side of truth, not a single time when they have stood up and argued for the truth, so are they really without discernment? Why do they always stand by Satan’s side? Why do they never say one word that is fair or reasonable for the truth? Is this situation really created by their momentary confusion? The less discernment someone has, the less able they are to stand on the side of truth. What does this show? Does it not show that those without discernment love evil? Does it not show that those without discernment are the loyal offspring of Satan? Why is it that they are always able to stand on the side of Satan and speak the same language as it? Their every word and deed, and their expressions prove amply that they are not any kind of lover of the truth, but rather that they are people who detest the truth. That they can stand on the side of Satan proves amply that Satan really loves these petty devils who fight for Satan’s sake all their lives. Are all these facts not abundantly clear? If you truly are someone who loves the truth, then why can’t you have any regard for those who practice the truth, and why do you immediately follow those who do not practice the truth the minute they have a slight change of countenance? What kind of problem is this?

from “A Warning to Those Who Do Not Practice the Truth” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

Some people do not rejoice in the truth, much less judgment. Rather, they rejoice in power and riches; such people are deemed to be snobs. They exclusively seek out those sects in the world with influence and those pastors and teachers coming from seminaries. Despite having accepted the way of truth, they remain skeptical and are unable to devote themselves fully. They speak of sacrificing for God, but their eyes are focused on the great pastors and teachers, and Christ is brushed aside. Their hearts are filled with fame, fortune, and glory. They do not believe at all that such a meager man is capable of conquering so many, that one so unremarkable is capable of perfecting people. They do not believe at all that these nobodies among the dust and dunghills are the people chosen by God. They believe that if such people were the objects of God’s salvation, then heaven and earth would be turned upside down and all men would laugh their heads off. They believe that if God chose such nobodies to be perfected, then those great men would become God Himself. Their perspectives are tainted with unbelief; indeed, far from unbelief, they are preposterous beasts. For they only value position, prestige, and power; what they hold in high regard are large groups and sects. They have no regard at all for those led by Christ; they are simply traitors who have turned their backs on Christ, on truth, and on life.

What you admire is not the humility of Christ, but those false shepherds of prominent standing. You do not love the loveliness or wisdom of Christ, but those wantons who associate with the vile world. You laugh at the pain of Christ who has no place to lay His head, but admire those corpses that seize offerings and live in debauchery. You are not willing to suffer alongside Christ, but gladly go into the arms of those reckless antichrists though they supply to you only flesh, only letters, and only control. Even now your heart still turns toward them, their reputation, their standing in the hearts of all the Satans, their influence, and their authority, yet you continue to have an attitude of resistance and refusal to accept the work of Christ. This is why I say that you do not have the faith of acknowledging Christ. The reason you have followed Him to this day is entirely because you were forced. In your heart forever tower many lofty images; you cannot forget their every word and deed, nor their influential words and hands. They are, in your heart, forever supreme and forever heroes. But this is not so for the Christ of today. He is forever insignificant in your heart and forever undeserving of reverence. For He is far too ordinary, has far too little influence, and is far from lofty.

from “Are You a True Believer of God?” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

It would be best for those people who say they follow God to open their eyes and take a good look to see exactly who they believe in: Is it really God that you believe in, or Satan? If you know that what you believe in is not God but your own idols, then you had best not say you are a believer. If you really do not know who you believe in then, again, you had best not say you are a believer. To say that would be blasphemy! No one is forcing you to believe in God. Do not say you believe in Me, as I heard enough of those words long ago and I do not wish to hear them again, because what you believe in are the idols in your hearts and the local villainous snakes among you. Those who shake their heads when they hear the truth, who smile widely when they hear talk of death are the offspring of Satan, and they are all objects to be eliminated.

from “A Warning to Those Who Do Not Practice the Truth” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

If there are several local villainous snakes in a church, as well as some small flies who follow them who have no discernment whatsoever, if those of the church still cannot cast off the binds and manipulation of these snakes after they have seen the truth, then these fools will be eliminated in the end. Though these small flies may not have done anything terrible, they are even more cunning, even more slick and evasive and everyone like this will be eliminated. Not one will be left! Those who belong to Satan will be returned to Satan, while those who belong to God will surely go in search of the truth; this is determined by their natures. Let all those who follow Satan perish! No pity will be shown to these people. Let those who search for the truth attain provision and allow them to take pleasure in God’s word to their hearts’ content. God is righteous; He does not treat people unjustly. If you are a devil then you will be incapable of practicing the truth. If you are someone who searches for the truth then it is certain that you will not be taken captive by Satan—this is beyond all doubt.

from “A Warning to Those Who Do Not Practice the Truth” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

Because of their petty cleverness, those without discernment will come to ruin in the hands of evil people and they will be led astray by evil people and will be unable to return. These people should be handled in this way, as they do not love the truth, because they are incapable of standing on the side of the truth, because they follow evil people, they stand on the side of evil people, and because they collude with evil people and defy God. They know perfectly well that those evil people radiate evil but they harden their hearts and follow them, moving contrary to the truth. Are these people who do not practice the truth but who do destructive and abominable things not all doing evil? Although there are those among them who style themselves as kings and those who trail along behind, are their God-defying natures not all the same? What excuse can they have to say that God does not save them? What excuse can they have to say that God is not righteous? Is it not their own evil that will destroy them? Is it not their own rebelliousness that will drag them down into hell? Those who practice the truth will in the end be saved and made perfect through the truth. Those who do not practice the truth will in the end invite ruination through the truth. These are the ends that await those who practice the truth and those who do not.

from “A Warning to Those Who Do Not Practice the Truth” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

Recall what followed after the Jews nailed Jesus to the cross 2,000 years ago. The Jews were expelled from Israel and fled to countries around the world. Many were killed, and the entire Jewish nation was subjected to unprecedented destruction. They had nailed God to the cross—committed a heinous crime—and provoked the disposition of God. They were made to pay for what they did, were made to bear the consequences of their actions. They condemned God, rejected God, and so they had but one fate: to be punished by God. This is the bitter consequence and disaster that their rulers brought upon their country and nation.

from “God Presides Over the Fate of All Mankind” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

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