Sunday, March 11, 2018

Eastern Lightning | The Roman Government of the Old Days Has Reappeared!

  Two thousand years ago, when the Lord Jesus was born, King Herod heard news that the King of Israel was born. As a result, he killed all the male babies two years old and younger in Bethlehem. In the last days, the Lord Jesus has appeared and expresses the truth in order to judge and save mankind. He has also encountered frantic resistance and cruel suppression from the Chinese Communist government. The government uses the media to wantonly slander and blaspheme Christ. They do not even hesitate to use the People’s Armed Police in order to capture and destroy Christ. They are doing their utmost to disturb and dismantle God’s work. Despite this, the work of God of the last days is unstoppable and it is rapidly expanding. More and more people are returning before God’s throne. Moreover, by taking advantage of the Chinese Communist government’s suppression and persecution, God has created a band of overcomers, fulfilling the words in the Book of Revelation: “These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb” (Rev 7:14). Many people ask: God has incarnated twice to redeem and save mankind. Why do those in power frantically resist and convict Him? Why does the atheistic Chinese Communist government spare no cost in attempting to nail Christ of the last days on the cross? What are the methods and essence of the Chinese Communist government’s resistance to God? How does God use the power of the Chinese Communist government to perfect overcomers? In the following program, we will look for the truth of these matters and recognize God’s almightiness and wisdom!

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