Monday, October 1, 2018

Almighty God’s Word Aroused My Heart——The Conversion of a Son of Disobedience

Almighty God’s Word Aroused My Heart——The Conversion of a Son of Disobedience

Li Tieyin

Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province

Read God's Word, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
Read God's Word
I was formerly a leader of the True Jesus Church. After I believed in the Lord through grace in 1996, I studied the Bible assiduously and preached in the church. Not long afterward, I was promoted to an important position where I was responsible for shepherding a church of over 1,000 believers. While serving the Lord, I was earnestly expecting the second coming of the Savior Jesus, expecting him to take us back to the heavenly home sooner. But I had never thought that when the Lord really returned, I actually became an arch-criminal resisting God.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Bible was compiled by man, not by God; the Bible cannot represent God.

XI. One Must Fellowship Clearly the Aspect of Truth Concerning the Relationship Between God and the Bible

3. The Bible was compiled by man, not by God; the Bible cannot represent God.

Bible Verses for Reference:

Search the scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. And you will not come to me, that you might have life” (Jhn 5:39-40).

I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me” (Jhn 14:6).

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Eastern Lightning | The Arrogant and Ignorant I Have Finally Become Subject Before the True God

The Arrogant and Ignorant I Have Finally Become Subject Before the True God

Zhang Xuejun

Nehe City, Heilongjiang Province

Pray to God, Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God,
Pray to God

I was formerly a co-worker of the Cross Church. I received a lot of grace after I turned to the Lord. Because of that, I pursued very zealously and made a resolution before the Lord that I would serve Him all my life. Two years later, I began to preach and often went to other counties to support the churches. At that time, I felt that believing in the Lord was so great and so meaningful.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Eastern Lightning | Almighty God’s Righteous Disposition Awoke Me

Almighty God’s Righteous Disposition Awoke Me


Zhumadian City, Henan Province

Pray to Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God,
Pray to Almighty God
I was a believer of the “Seventh-day Observer,” also a sinner who resisted God blindly because of believing the leader’s words. It was not until November 15, 2003 when I saw God’s righteous disposition come upon the leader that I woke up and then came before Almighty God. The following is my true experience.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Believing Rumors Led to a Lifelong Regret

Believing Rumors Led to a Lifelong Regret

Zhu Lin

Shangqiu City, Henan Province

I was formerly a middle-level leader in “Pentecostal Church.” One day in December 1999, I received from our General Assembly a booklet entitled “Resisting the Temptation from the ‘Eastern Lightning.’” It said, “The ‘Eastern Lightning’ is a heresy, a cult, which claims that the Lord has been incarnated as a female. It’s a mafia. If you refuse to join them after hearing their messages, they will gouge your eyes, cut off your nose, break your arms or legs. And they are promiscuous…” After reading these words, I accepted them as true without thought and immediately called the co-workers together for a meeting.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Eastern Lightning | Almighty God Saved Me Through His Punishment

Almighty God Saved Me Through His Punishment

Li Meirong

Zhumadian City, Henan Province

Read God's Words, Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God,
Read God's Words
My name is Li Meirong, and I was a preacher in “the Sunday Meeting.” Because I was a long-time believer with seniority, I was given the name “Li Daogao” (which means my teaching was high) by the brothers and sisters. This is their opinion of me: Though without a high education, she can memorize the whole Scriptures; though without much power, she can “summon wind and rain” in the church. I was always proud of it.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | Almighty God’s Chastening Woke Up the Disobedient Me

Almighty God’s Chastening Woke Up the Disobedient Me

Zhao Kaiyang

Zhumadian City, Henan Province

Pray to God, Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God,
Pray to God
I started to believe in the Lord in the “Three-Self sect” in 1986. In 1990, I turned to the local church, the “Praise Church,” and became a leader. In June of 1999, I accepted Almighty God’s work of the last days. When I think back to my past, I am terribly ashamed of myself. Because I was blind, ignorant, and didn’t know God, I committed a mortal sin of blaspheming the Holy Spirit. But fortunately, Almighty God chastened and disciplined me in a timely manner, so that I woke up and returned before His throne.

Praise and Worship Music | All of Mankind, Come to Worship God

Praise and Worship Music |  All of Mankind, Come to Worship God I Lightning flashes from East to West. Christ of the last da...